Продам прочие товары, услуги и оборудование для реализации кондитерских и хлебобулочных изделий в Индонезии

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  • фотография продукта Cane Sugar
    Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 170199) We would like to offer: cane sugar. Our cane sugar is processed directly from integrated cane plantation with state of the art machineries, including modern distilleries to produced ethanol from molasses. Export quality. Retail packing: nett. 1000gr in heavy-duty plastic bag. Wholesale packing: nett. 50kg in PP woven bag with inner liner. Some typical properties: Polarity (at 20o C): min. 99.80%; Moisture: max. 0.04%; Ash content: max. 0.04%; Granulation: fine; Color: sparkling white; Sediments: none; Smell: free of any smell. Halal. Product of Indonesia. For any interested parties, kindly contact for further details. Thank you. Contact: +62 (whatsapp, viber).
    12 сен 2021 г.
    Количество просмотров объявления
    Ferry Handjojo
    был(а) в сети 12.09.21
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